Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Better Herculaneum /Ercolano Or Pompei?

You could see some photos of Herculaneum in my other posts
Pictures On The Walls In Herculaneum/ Ercolano
Vesuvius In Action
and maybe you've asked yourself, what it is?

To be very short, those are excavations of a Roman town, situated under the modern settling, dead during the same eruption of Vesuvius that burried Pompei and forgotten for centuries.
This is the look on the excavations from the access-way.

Улицы Эрколано

Upper level with greenery are the villas, very good conservated, middle level with pedestal are suburban baths, finally the low level are -maybe, I think so- the places where 300 sceletrons were found.

Many years ago I was in Pompei and there was practicaly nothing to admire except the walls of the town. Mosaics, pictures, staues -everything is removed and is in the museums. What is not removed is closed and you can enter inside only if you pay a guide (that is very expensive). Ercolano seemed to me much more interesting. The streets and the houses are entire, there are many paintings and other things -you have not use all your immagination to understand what it was and how these persons lived.
In this post I want to present you only general look on some streets of Herculaneum.

These 2 photos represent look in the direction of suburban baths. In fact, the black holes in the end of the streets are passes to the square you've seen on the second level of the first photo.

Улицы Эрколано

Улицы Эрколано

This other photo is a look in the direction of main street. I did not understand sincerely, why they needed that big stone on the street? To make the cars go slower?

Улицы Эрколано

Finally main street with pubblic water and... what you think?... Shops in every door and hole! (read my posts about Shopping In Salerno). Is it possible that the style of life did not change for 2000 years in Italy???

Улицы Эрколано

Read more about the art in the houses of Romans in these posts:

Pictures On The Walls In Herculaneum/ Ercolano 1
Floors If The Roman Houses 2
Decorate Your House With Bás-Reliefss And Sculpturs 3

Monday, June 8, 2009

We Visited The Crater Of Vesuvius Too

This is the long photo reportage about our visit to the crater of Vesuvius. In my precedent post Vesuvius In Action I wrote some words more about this mountain. We continue the overview of the volcanos that I began some time ago (Active Volcanos and Fuji And Vesuvio).

We had to go up the mountain with the car till the quoter of 1000 meters where we could leave the car and pay the tcket.

Прогулка к кратеру Везувия

From that point we had to go at feet and the map says there is about 3800 m long path to walk. The path was surely not the best we've ever seen in the life. Specially we were with a little girl. But on our way we've seen very old persons, the persons with different health problems (till a broken leg!) that wanted to see the crater too.

Прогулка к кратеру Везувия

Near the crater you can continue to walk the same path and there are touristic guides you can follow (service include in the ticket).

Прогулка к кратеру Везувия

On the right side you see infinite world

Прогулка к кратеру Везувия

This is the right side of the same crater

Прогулка к кратеру Везувия

And this is the left side

Прогулка к кратеру Везувия

There were not smokes of other activities in that moment. The only "special effect" were the stones felt from the bord of the crater and we could hear sounds they created. My brother was very afraid and wanted to turn back home from there. I have to say you, my husband NEVER went there in all the life.
-And if the eruption beginns now???
-Well, it's good, we will dey all together in the same moment like in the fables, we joked.

Прогулка к кратеру Везувия

Read more:

What Is Infinity
Vesuvius In Action
The Ways In Italy
What Is Excellent In Italy
Около Кратера Везувия-2
Около Кратера Везувия
После Гулек
Ещё Пара Фоток
Через Перевал
А Мы Тут Гуляем
We Visited The Crater Of Vesuvius Too
Classic Life In The Mountains

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Vesuvius In Action

I visited different important places of Campania/Italy with my relatives this week and wanted to dedicate some posts to these trips.

Today I show you some photos about the distructive nature of Vesuvius. If you remember, I wrote about volcanoes in the last period (Active Volcanos and Fuji And Vesuvio for example) and so with this and next posts we continue the talk about them.

I try to insert big photos in the html code, so -I hope- if you click on the photo you have to pass to the original big photo.

Well, here we are on the way to the 1000 m quote where it's possible to leave the car. From that place all visitors have to go about 4 km-s till the cratere.
Vesuvius has nothing special and is not more scary as any other mountain I've seen in my life if you see it from this place.

Везувий и Эрколано

To turn you more close to the reality, the way is full of the modern sculptures (I'm sure I've not seen them when I was here about 10 years ago). This one specially produced great impression on me (after infinite quantity of hairpins that made me half alive half dead).

Везувий и Эрколано

Here, on the right behind the light, you can see the level of the streets today and the wall of the volcanic ashes in the background on the left. This is the town of Herculaneum, one of the different Roman towns buried by the eruption of 79.

Везувий и Эрколано

Here you can see it better, the wall of boiled (during eruption) ashes felt on the heads of the persons. By the way, the t° of it is 500-600°C, and human meat vaporizes by contact with it.

Везувий и Эрколано

Finally this interesting photo. Modern life and antique town together. Only a little part of the Roman town is possible to see today, the excavations. The modern town grew on the same place where was situated forgotten Herculaneum. Nobody remembered it. There was only the story written by Plinius-jun. about a splendid port near Vesuvius that was lost under the lava during the eruption of Vesuvius. But nobody wanted beleave him. Everybody said, it was a fable...

Везувий и Эрколано

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Your Unforgettable Alaska Travel

The most important attractives in Alaska Travel are surely National Parks. These are maybe the better organized places to see real wildlife, uncontaminated nature, natural environment and it's spectacular events. Everything you've watched in your preferite documentaries is possible to find visiting Alaska where you will find all you need to have a good vacation like comfortable lodges and special roads for the walks, full day and half day cruises, visits to the museums and cities.

Travel Alaska means explore this country in every season. Because every month offers here different attractions and it's unpossible to list all them in this post. From the glaciers and wild beauty of the Fjords to the northern lights and 24-hour days - it's difficult if possible that you find all this in one place in an other part of our planet.

One of Alaska's best places is Denali Park that you can visit with one day tour or reserve a lodge stay and enjoy some days or weeks of your vacation among the wildlife. This National Park has 100 miles of road and 15 of them are unrestricted. You can see the wildlife directly from the road there. The stuff organizes trips and events to allow the visitors to see different wild animals wildlife sightings. It will be surely one of your best vacations in the life.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Ways In Italy

The ways in Italy have some peculiarities.

First of all, the old medieval towns have very narrow streets. The new "fashion" of the last years is to create one way directions. So, if you are labytinth lover you HAVE to go with your car in Italy. Without navigator. Your trip will assume sids of extreem journey.

From one side it's good that you have not let to pass a truck in a one-car-large street every 10 meters. From the other side, it's very difficult to find your way when you did not know the exact path to do.

The other peculiarity are the deep-lunged torques when you have to rise the mountains.

Finally, the other new "fashion" are the "go-in-round" crossroads that are created on every crossroad on place of traffic lights here now. No, the idea is not bad as idea. The great problem is that the Italians ("aboriginals") do not know how to drive in this places. They can stop in the center and wait that all others will pass etc. So, if you dive in the center and think you will find free way to go round till the exit you are interested in you can perfectly make an incident.

What Is Excellent In Italy

We have my cousin and his family here this days. They are for the first time in Italy and had never see a sea before. So they are enjoying the life even if the weather is very very bad. They were fortunate because they could stay on the beach the first day they came here.
As it is normal for many of us, they did not protect the skin and are now all red as lobsters. So, the bad weather is good for them.

But we can learn what is perfect in Italy observing them.

First of all, the beach.
Clearly it is the best beach we have here. It's too far, about an hour of driving from our house, but it is really perfect. The air is terribly good. You can not breath enough when you are there. There are pines nearby and the white sand. The water was warm and the girls did not want go out all 5 hours they were there.

«Италия» на Яндекс.Фотках

The other is the pizza.
As in every business, there are good cooks and bad cooks. My husband took pizza from our preferite pizzeria (the shop where it is made for your eyes) for them yesterday. They tasted it so as it was the best food in the world. Pizza in Germany, told they, is completely different.


Next good thing in Italy is coffee.
Italians (and I now too) make it using a special coffee machine. And coffee is completely different from what you can drink in other countries even if you go in bar and order "espresso". Here I can testimonial because I tasted it in different places like Amsterdam, Moscow, München etc.

«Италия» на Яндекс.Фотках

On the photo coffee machines for 2 and for 6 persons.

And then, they had a grave incident -they were not prudent to live a bag with their clothes on the back sit of the car, and some delinquents broke the glass and stole the bag. Imagne the tragedy. But all the Italians that saw it and understood they do not can speack and are foreigners helped them. They assisted them on every step letterally.


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